Most excellent was that amazing and overwhelming feeling that hit me in the middle of the Q&A session as I looked around the Irish pub/bar and saw so many young (20s and 30s) faces glowing with the same love for the Catholic faith. How amazing is it that so many young professionals chose to spend their Monday night listening to a talk on Catholic theology? All just gathered around with a beer and some good friends, there to learn more about our faith and to build community. AWESOME. People are so GOOD. Our world is so GOOD. There is so much beauty and truth out there, which is easy to forget when I get down. But when I come to events like this, I am infused with hope, and try to remind myself not to forget these beautiful moments when all hope seems lost again (because I'm a dramatic 21-year old).
Anyways, the Catholic family really is truly universal. My sister Mary is living in Connecticut this summer earning her Master's in Education, and she posted this as her facebook status a few weeks ago: "1,200 miles away, the Mass still feels like home."
She's exactly right. I love being Catholic. And I love that even here, so very far away in Washington DC for the summer, I can find a group of passionately Catholic young adults who are engaging our culture with united beliefs and purpose, and all united in our beautiful Eucharistic and apostolic faith.
So, tonight was a blessing :) As it was a few weeks ago when we were all at Pat Troy's for the Young Adult Catholic Trivia night... and every time Leslie and I go to 10:30 mass with Maureen and Dan... or when we pray before meals... or how we sometimes say a rosary on our way to work. I am blessed.
"Lord, in my zeal for the love of truth, help me not forget the truth of love." (St. Thomas Aquinas, a quote from tonight's talk on evangelization)
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