Thursday, June 7, 2012

A few more random things.

TUNNELS. Here's a picture of the underground tunnels that connect all the buildings! I spend a lot of time walking between buildings on errands for Charlotte, our Office Assistant (and my boss), or walking to meetings.
 See why it gets depressing? So dark. Leslie and I soak up the sun any chance we get.  
RALLY. Tomorrow there is a Rally for Religious Freedom outside the Senate at noon. Leslie and I will be there if we can be! It is, of course, pertaining to the HHS mandate from the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).

[Just in case you're living under a rock (hey, we're all there sometimes), this mandate from the Health and Human Services Department would force employers and religious institutions to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization procedures, free contraceptives, and other services that are objectionable to Christians and employers of conscience. Basically, it literally violates religious freedom. The government can't tell the Catholic Church to do something that violation of conscience, even if it disagrees.]

The list of speakers at the rally is awesome! For those familiar with big-time pro-lifers: 
-Lila Rose, Live Action
-David Bereit, 40 Days for Life 
-Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life of America
-Alan Keyes, Author and former Presidential Candidate AND
-U.S. Congressman Andy Harrris (THAT'S MY CONGRESSMAN! He's a really amazing Representative.)

From the 1st Rally for Religious Freedom held March 2012
ST. PETER'S CATHOLIC CHURCH AT THE CAPITOL. Get this. 12:10p.m. Mass! Leslie and I made the 3-minute walk today, but when we entered we were handed a program for a Funeral Mass that had started at noon! We stayed through the homily (not enough time for longer), which was about how baseball relates to life because Bill loved baseball, and cut out to meet a few other interns for lunch. 
..from when we checked it out yesterday
VIRTUAL SHOUT-OUT. I want to make a shout out to my sisters, Mary who just started her Master's in Education program at Providence College and will be teaching for 2 years while earning her degree (East Coast, represent!), and Julie who is teaching Totus Tuus, a Catholic youth program in Salina, Kansas (met someone from Kansas that was touring the Capitol the other day). Also to little CC, who starts horse riding lessons soon! And Robert Jennie dad and mom, I guess you're alright too :) 

Love to you all!

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